
Luft är en blandning av syre och kväve. I en syrekoncentrator separeras dessa två gaser och ökar andelen syre från ca 21 till ca 90 procent. Atmosfärisk luft fångas in av koncentratorn och filtreras.

APPLICATION FUNCTION: Regulation of oxygen outlet pressure.


  • Series TC pressure microregulators have been designed to be used for all applications and equipment where it is needed to insert the single component in customised integrated circuits or collectors to manage and adjust medical gases ad oxygen.
  • Series M pressure microregulators are available with G1/8 and G1/4 ports and are suitable to adjust medical gases ad oxygen. 

APPLICATION FUNCTION: Control of compressed air supply to the separators


APPLICATION FUNCTION: Connections and special fittings to be used with oxygen.

PRODUCT: OX1 fittings and accessories for applications of medical gases and oxygen

APPLICATION FUNCTION: Integrated system to introduce air into the system
